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  • E-News U. Contributor 11:53 am on April 27, 2012 Permalink |
    Tags: , Holly Tree Inn, parking,   

    Makeover: Holly Tree Inn lot converted into parking spaces 

    By Brittany S. Brown

    Hampton University has undergone a great series of transformations, ranging from new buildings, to new programs and modern technology. This week a dirt lot behind the Holly Tree Inn and across the street from the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications was converted into a parking lot for a handful of vehicles.

    Before the conversion, students and faculty members have walked about the area, kicking rocks and occasionally dragging gravel along the lines of their footwear.

    Kanesha Brown, a senior architecture major from Hartford, Conn., describes it as “one of the most convenient transformations” she’s witnessed in all of her years at Hampton.

     “My feet would look like I came from the Flintstones’ era. I hated those rocks,” she said. “My shoes would always carry lots of dust when I would pass by that area.”

    Janaia Smith, a junior nursing major from Seattle, recalls the time she would occasionally walk by. “When I stayed in McGrew [Towers], I would always take the same routes to class [and it] seemed as though that parking lot wasn’t being taken care of. Now it looks more clean and put together.”

    “The lot looks really nice. said Omari Miles, a freshman, sports management major from Newtown, Conn. “I usually don’t walk that way very often, but in comparison to the last time I saw it, it looks so much better.”

    Mark Hall, a freshman business management major from Northern Virginia, said he would walk with his friends who stayed in Holmes Hall: “We would always stumble over those rocks. One time, I even tripped. I’m so glad to see that the area is all fixed up. This is a really good look for Hampton.”

    Holly Tree Inn, a campus dormitory and faculty dining room, has been known to attract visitors and tourists for its unique appeal as well as its delicious down-home meals. Now, visitors are free to park in appropriate spaces specifically designed for vehicles, and getting their cars muddy is no longer a factor.

    Scripps Howard Faculty members are in the same boat. Along with students, there is literally a common ground for the faculty to comfortably walk over.

    The newly remodeled parking lot serves as one of the many ventures to the transformation of Hampton University.

    The writer is a junior in the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications


  • E-News U. Contributor 3:27 am on April 8, 2012 Permalink |  

    Hampton U. students celebrate Easter at home, or away 

    By Kelli James

    HAMPTON, Va. – Students, faculty and staff affectionately call Hampton University their home by the sea, and as Easter approaches, students are finding creative ways to celebrate here while being away from their actual homes.

    As they do most Sundays, the Memorial Church on campus is holding a service, however this week’s message will also include a performance from the praise dance troupe, Psalm 149.

    Michelle Walton, a sophomore nursing major, said that she would be in attendance this Sunday. As a member of Psalm 149 she’s excited about performing on Easter.

    “We have worked really hard to produce a great show,” she said, “and I hope a lot of people come out to celebrate and see us.”

    Although Walton will be on campus to celebrate Easter, she is skipping the cafeteria’s annual meal and is going off campus instead. Walton and a friend, sophomore psychology major Lesley Robinson, plan to dine out to supplement the meal they would have received at home.

    Other students are opting to celebrate Easter this year away from campus.

    Geena Piedu, a junior nursing major, plans to attend a church service in Virginia Beach, one she attends every Sunday. Afterward, she plans to share dinner with fellow Hamptonians who also attend the church.

    “I’m attending a Catholic church in Virginia Beach,” said Piedu. “It is like the one I attend at home and it will be really good since I couldn’t make it home this year.”

    While some students are too far away to visit their homes for the weekend, there are a lucky few that have been able to retreat. Domanique Jordan, a sophomore broadcast journalism major, was able to do just that.

    Jordan left for her hometown Fort Washington, Md. Friday afternoon and plans to enjoy her entire weekend with family and friends. Because Jordan is heavily involved in her home church, she looks forward to being able to spend this special time with those closest to her.

    “I wasn’t able to go home last year,” she said, “but this year I knew I had to.”

    Easter is a special time for those practicing the Christian faith; there are also secular options for everyone. Hampton University hosted its annual E-G-GStravaganza, Saturday morning at Strawberry Banks.

    Programs like these are available throughout Hampton Roads to celebrate the spring time and to commune with loved ones.

    The writer is a student at the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications

  • E-News U. Contributor 2:48 am on April 6, 2012 Permalink |
    Tags: , High School Day, student life   

    Hampton U. cleans up for High School Day 

    By Antoinique Abraham

    As the flowers bloom and the temperature rises, Hampton University begins preparation for one of the biggest events of the year. On Friday, April 6, The Office of Admissions will host its 34th annual High School Day.

    High School Day is designed to give potential students a preview of collegiate life, both academically and socially. About 240 student leader representatives will be available throughout the day to provide information and to answer questions.

    The Student Recruitment Team plays an active role in giving prospective students the opportunity to experience Hampton U. Throughout the week they have rehearsed chants and songs that will get high school students excited about admission and attending Hampton.

    “We’ve been working extremely hard and I’m excited about participating in High School Day with the Student Recruitment Team,” said Courtney Smith, a sophomore computer science major.

    There are many changes being made around campus in preparation of this event including, wet paint signs on walls and stairwells around campus, and the speedy construction of the new cafeteria. Maintenance workers and contractors were working hard to ensure that the university will be in tip-top shape by Friday.

     Some students believe this day is just a façade; that Hampton puts on a show to impress and win over the hearts of undecided parents and students.

    “I am proud to represent my school”, said Tatyana Miller, a sophomore English Education major, “but there should be some consistency in the way that things are represented on High School Day.”

    Other students, like Devin Wynne, sophomore computer science major, encourage the concept of High School Day: “It is important for students as well as faculty to represent Hampton University in a positive light.”

    All high school students are invited to visit Hampton University for High School Day.

    On-campus activities that day will include guided tours, an outdoor soundstage, an Administrative/Student Activities fair, and a Blue- and- White football game. Attendees will be entertained by The Force marching band, the Terpsichorean Dance Company, and the Hampton University choir.

    Open houses hosted by deans will take place in all of the academic buildings, nine schools on campus.

    The writer is a student at the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications

  • E-News U. Contributor 9:38 am on April 5, 2012 Permalink |
    Tags: ABC-TV, crisis management, , Judy Smith, Kerry Washington, Scandal,   

    Real-life ‘Scandal’ figure was special guest at Hampton U. 

    By Nakiya Morgan

    Shonda Rhimes, creator and executive producer for hit shows “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Private Practice” is bringing a new drama to ABC-TV Thursday evening.

    “Scandal” is based on a public relations professional named Judy Smith, and her team.

    As a pioneer in crisis management for over 25 years, Smith has made her mark as a woman who is about her business. The show will highlight her communication skills as well as her legal input on various challenges that she has faced.

    Smith represented Michael Vick, Monica Lewinsky and most recently the BP case and the handling of its cleanup of a Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

    Smith is no stranger to Hampton University. On Oct. 19, Smith visited the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications as part of a lecture series.

    In hopes to inspire students, Smith discussed her experience in the world of public relations, crisis management and law. She stressed the value and importance of perfecting the craft and how important it is to mange crisis situations.

    Paige Delaney, a sophomore, public relations major from Chicago, believed that “‘Scandal’ is a “must see for anyone trying to pursue a career in the public relations field.

    “I am definitely going to watch the show. I believe that I can adopt a lot of skills that Judy Smith has just by tuning in every Thursday. The show can teach you a lot about her life, but most importantly how to react under certain crisis situations.”

    Kerry Washington will play the invisible power force Judy Smith 10 p.m. EST, Thursday, April 5 on ABC-TV.

    The writer is a student at the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications

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